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Addressing the People (Open)

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Addressing the People (Open) Empty Addressing the People (Open)

Post by Storm Sky Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:44 pm

Sir, your speech to the people of Wonderland is scheduled for an hour from now. Are you ready for it? Storms assistant asked him, pushing the issue at hand.

Yes Jacklyn, I am ready. Bring me my wears. A long red cape with all four card suits on the back of it, going up into solid gold shoulder piece. The Crown of Wonderland on his head, he felt like a true king. But he wasn't. Not until the people understood what he was doing, the reasoning for his actions, and the reason for Nightmare land status. As he stepped out onto the awning, he looked over the huge crowd. Everyone, everything in Wonderland was here. A roaring boo was going around in the crowd, but it soon subsided so Storm could speak.

Residents of Wonderland, here me speak. Storm said, letting the daylight through so the citizens were safe.

I feel as though it is important for you all to hear my reasoning behind what has transpired in Wonderland as of late. Because of the recent burning of half of our beloved Wonderland, we must take precautions against threats. My army is being trained to handle situations like this in the future, but we need time. The darkness provides this land with its best natural defenses, as well as gives my Special Forces a boost that they need to help defend Wonderland. Nightmareland status will be in affect until we are ready for threats ourselves. Anyone who has anything to say, stand up and say something about it now, or hold your tongue until it's over.
Storm Sky
Storm Sky
Death's Balance

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Addressing the People (Open) Empty Re: Addressing the People (Open)

Post by Minfilia Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:05 am

Minfilia had heard about the marvelous world of Wonderland, from stories she read as a child it told of a world where up is down and left is right, going through one door can lead you to right back where you started and absolutely nothing was normal... Minfilia arrived in a small garden which held roses colored yellow with wet paint dripping down from them, the bushes also were trimmed into the shape of hearts."Strange place so far..." Minfilia continued through a small path leading to an huge crowd of people gathered looking towards a man who seemed to be of great nobility possibly a king. He began speaking of something called Nightmareland and something being burned, she could hardly hear anything from where she stood.

When the man began to ask for any objections the crowd remained silent but Minfilia, the ignorant girl she is, felt the need to walk closer towards the man and shout out. "Excuse me!" Minfilia raised her hand so she could be spotted amongst the crowd of citizens. "I've recently arrived in your world, and was curious as to know what is Nightmareland? Is that some neighboring world?" The crowd began to murmur quietly among themselves talking about the strange girl who had no idea what Nightmare land was.

(Note: wow this thread is a couple of months old, not sure if your still watching this or not but I might as well try anyway.)

Directory : Minfilia's Directoy
Posts : 56

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Addressing the People (Open) Empty Re: Addressing the People (Open)

Post by Storm Sky Tue Oct 20, 2015 7:00 pm

Hehe Storm Snickered. Storm then blinked right next to the girl. A gasp was heard throughout the crowd. They then fell silent.

Take a look around girl, you're in it. Nightmareland is Wonderland. Mixing Darkness, night, and Wonderland makes a mixture that is unlike any other. The things it can produce, are terrifying, thus the name Nightmareland. There is few hours of daylight to ensure the citizens can still do necessary tasks, but the rest of the day is night. The Creatures of Nightmareland are beyond your wildest dreams.
Storm Sky
Storm Sky
Death's Balance

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Addressing the People (Open) Empty Re: Addressing the People (Open)

Post by Minfilia Tue Oct 20, 2015 7:13 pm

Minfilia stepped away quickly from the man who seemed to have appeared out of thin air right next to her and fell down with a small Thud.

She rose slowly while wiping away small specks of dirt from her dress and looked at the crowd and back to the man. "This is Nightmareland...? What reason is there to turn such a magnificent wonderful land into something where its own citizens have to cower away in fear of creatures of the night?" The man had mentioned creatures as well, perhaps heartless were released in this world... At the thought Minfilia took a small step away from the man and began to stiffen ready to draw her weapon at any moment. However, Minfilia was no fool and could very well tell if she were to fight she would lose before she could even get an attack out.

Directory : Minfilia's Directoy
Posts : 56

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Addressing the People (Open) Empty Re: Addressing the People (Open)

Post by Storm Sky Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:33 pm

It is to protect the people, while my forces train to defend our land. Relax, I can sense you're ready to fight by your muscle tension. Storm gave a wicked grin.

It wouldn't be your wisest move girl.
Storm Sky
Storm Sky
Death's Balance

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Addressing the People (Open) Empty Re: Addressing the People (Open)

Post by Minfilia Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:17 pm

Minfilia slowly raised her hands to show no signs of aggression but still felt nervous towards such an... ominous stranger. "True, I can tell you are much more powerful than I, but I still need to know the reasons behind these 'burnings' you spoke of if you don't mind me asking." Minfilia felt extremely nervous around this man, he had such a wild card vibe coming from him one minute he is addressing his people with such formality and the next he begins toying with her.

Directory : Minfilia's Directoy
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Addressing the People (Open) Empty Re: Addressing the People (Open)

Post by Isla Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:34 pm

So this was the ant hill that the little one reigned over. Toviyah was not impressed nor disappointed; the unfun, gaudy mess was to be expected from the totalitarian oppressor known as Storm Sky (information easily obtained once the Jester had done research on whom he thwarted on the Shores of Neverland).

His disembodied voice spoke to the crowd, eyes quickly drawing to where the leader had once stood and only the Jester remained. He had come to find the source of the unsavory man's army and found that he had soured entirety of Wonderland, his once-favorite attraction.

"A simple illusion to hide behind."

Toviyah raised his hand lazily, as if waiting to be called on by a teacher, but spoke again without cue.

"My tongue is really, really hard to grab a hold of, so sorry to say that I think you're doing a shit job."

And then, he was there in a wisp of dust that faded into nothing, in between the girl and the King. "Maybe I should just try to yank on yours. You might stop doing that annoying thing with your mouth."

His tone was light, but Toviyah's face was smooth marble, without flaw of emotion. His aura radiated safely inches from his body, protecting him from harm and ready to deploy. "Do you remember what happens next, little mouse?"

Addressing the People (Open) Tumblr_n9qgtdlSIg1ryuzqeo1_500

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Addressing the People (Open) Empty Re: Addressing the People (Open)

Post by Storm Sky Sat Oct 24, 2015 3:54 pm

Storm smiled.

You again? Believe me, this time the song and dance will be different. Attack if you will, but know that if you do, I will put you down like a dog. Storm let lose his claws, ready for a fight. This time, the "God" would be begging for mercy.
Storm Sky
Storm Sky
Death's Balance

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Addressing the People (Open) Empty Re: Addressing the People (Open)

Post by Minfilia Thu Oct 29, 2015 7:13 pm

Minfilia raised her hands into the air to show no sign of her getting involved in such a fight. She began to slowly back away along with the majority of the crowd. In all honesty she wasn't sure who to cheer on in this fight, so she just stood as far away as she felt comfortable and was waiting in anticipation for the brawl to begin.

Directory : Minfilia's Directoy
Posts : 56

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