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Skill-Trees and Summons




Skill-Trees and Summons


Community Intern

The Wasteland

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Post by Isabella Tue Sep 13, 2016 2:50 am

Isabella is able to sense those around her and others. Each one within her family have one of her bones if any of them are near a possible threat that they should be wary about this bone will burn. The members of the family may do the same to call her if assistance is ever needed. If this bone breaks within their body until it mends they won't be able to be warned, however she will know of their exact location upon the bone breaking.

An invisible gas that constantly seeps into the air wherever Isabella travels. This gas when willed too effects ten feet around her and usually will not go any further unless its within a battle. This gas causes her to make any biological creature around her begin to hunger regardless of how much recently eaten causing pains within the stomach.

Does not take full effect until after initially being breathed in and four posts.

A black aura will coat Isabella from this aura shall arise sleek black tendrils. There is no limit to how many she may have at once. There strength and speed are dependent upon her magical stat. Created out of an hardened magical energy that may strike or contain element users, when formed as or morphed with their elements.

When crossing her arms she is capable of summoning arms or legs the amount being unlimited and their strength depending on how large they are when created. Though this ends up draining her much faster then her tendrils though they are much more effective.

An illusion that travels on the sound waves and is usually capable of entrapping through eye contract or from target. This illusion cause the user for a total of five posts to feel and view their own body decompose as if they were watching themselves die. A massive ringing will occur within the airs equivalent to having trumpets blaring
next to ones ears.

Has a two post recharge and last for four posts.
Horseman's Disposition

When at least three other members of her family are present all of Isabella's charge post skills are halved in time it takes to charge and increases the overall effect of hunger or energy sapping skills and illusion based skills. Allows her to morph her skills with her other skills or with different skills of the members of Apocalypse.

An AoE spell that spreads a dark mist through out an acre of land. Making it hard to see through and as well blurs vision. Does not affect members of the family.

Isabella may create clones of herself that appear to come from her body. These clones last until destroyed however may use none of her skills, however may use others when Isabella is morphed with others, they will still have her stats. Even when morphed. They carry the same scent an aura of Isabella
The Wasteland

An AoE illusion effect spell

Twelve post charge

May not move or talk while channeling energy for this skill. When finished channeling energy a massive nova sized energy wave will travel far and wide across the land. The victim will be transported to their own personal hell, there skin will evaporate an they'll be forced to undergo that which they fear most or perhaps the worst that their mind has ever created for themselves. A pure unadulterated hell zone made just for the victim. The senses are null, replaced with nothing as though there ability to look, hear and taste, touch and smell are gone, unable to distinguish friend from foe and their allies become coated as their enemies.
While this occurs the body is being affected by the wave of energy sapping the body of stamina whether or not they are in the illusion draining them drastically also harms their mana systems causing any magic that they used during this to exude force and hurt their body greatly.

The illusion and effect will last for a total of six posts.
Touch of the Famished

When in close range of Isabella, bones will stretch forth from her body.(Range four feet) Wrapping around the victim and constricting, they will sap energy from the victim until they are able to break free. This energy will be channeled into Isabella

If any of her bones are ripped off or destroyed the energy flowing around her will regrow them stronger then before.The maximum strength her bones are capable of gong up to is adamant strength. Though it is an Extremely painful process she'd rather not have to go through.

Isabella is able to portal herself and through corridors of darkness or envelope quite a large number of people.

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